Flash Animation
Presentation Design
Check-In Dashboard – PowerPoint Design
Designed and Produced by Daaimah S. Vazquez
Magazine Design
the Link – Winter Issue
the Link – Winter Issue is the Junior League of Raleigh’s primary publication with content dedicated to our current projects and activities. This membership-oriented magazine is published three times each year and reaches our more than 1,900 League members as well as the League’s advisors, community partners and friends.
Designed and Produced by Daaimah S. Vazquez
the Link – Fall Issue The Junior League of Raleigh Inc. is a member of an international organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The Junior League reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, volunteerism. Designed and Produced by Daaimah S. Vazquez